Self-Publishing Resources
This is not an exhaustive list. However, these are resources which I have utilized in my author journey. I also plan to return to this post and update it, so feel free to check back!
Book recommendations link to GoodReads to provide more information. You can determine where to purchase the book for yourself.
Books on Self-Publishing:
Self-Publishing for Canadians by Jennifer Samson
How to Publish a Book on Amazon by Sam Kerns
Books on Writing:
Wonderbook: The Illustrated Guide to Creating Imaginative Fiction by Jeff Vandermeer
Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear by Elizabeth Gilbert
Writing into the Dark: How to Write a Novel Without an Outline by Dean Wesley Smith OR Take Off Your Pants! Outline Your Books for Faster, Better Writing by Libbie Hawker - read both and choose which style works for you!
Damn Fine Story: Mastering the Tools of a Powerful Narrative by Chuck Wendig
Beginnings, Middles and Ends by Nancy Kress
The Kick-Ass Writer: 1,001 Ways to Write Great Fiction, Get Published, and Earn Your Audience by Chuck Wendig
On Writing, a Memoir of the Craft by Stephen King
How to Enjoy Writing: A Book of Aid and Comfort by Janet and Isaac Asimov
How to Format a Book in MS Word by Derek Murphy (Youtube series):
Reedsy is a resource for hiring professional editors and book designers. You can also find help with formatting, marketing and more on this website.
Illustrated Page Design - if you need a map for your project, I highly recommend Sarah Waites! She did the beautiful map of Notrane in Blue Revolution.
Book Covers:
Articles on Writing (free to read!):
Body Language Master List by Maria Korolov
How to Find Filter Words and Filter Them Out by Leah Wohl-Pollack
calibre - FREE Ebook Management software to help you create ePub files and more!
Canva - design tools to create graphics
Canadian-Specific Information:
Self-Publishing for Canadians by Jennifer Swanson
ISBN Canada - Library and Archives Canada
Legal Deposit Program - Library and Archives Canada
See Also:
The State of Indie Authorship in 2021 by Clayton Noblit