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2022 Wrap Up & Top 10 Reads!


2022 was such a busy year for me. I was promoted to CEO of the Parry Sound Public Library and I published my debut YA Fantasy novel, BLUE REVOLUTION, through Amazon KDP (ordering info is HERE.)

It wasn't the way I had originally dreamed BLUE would enter the world, but I'm so grateful that it finally gets to exist outside of my head, where anyone can enjoy the story.

I am beyond grateful to Youtuber Kris Reviews for giving my indie book a chance, and for her wonderful video review:

The biggest challenge as an independent author is getting your book in front of people who will enjoy it. I tried getting the word out with a GoodReads Giveaway in November. 3,394 people entered the Giveaway and I wish I could afford to mail a free copy to each and every one of them. Seriously, I am so happy that people want to read it. There were 6 winners and each of them received a finished, signed paperback and bookmark. I need to figure out how to do digital eBook giveaways for next time, since I could have more winners that way. There are pros and cons to doing an eBook giveaway, but it's something I am looking into.

Also this year, I finally started making an effort to get into social media. I've experimented with some short-lived twitter accounts, but finally deleted the app. Honestly, I could never get into it. But I have really been enjoying Instagram. So far, I've been using it to post pictures of the books I'm reading (and sometimes Smokey.) You can find me on Insta @se.martens I plan to use the site even more next year.

In 2022 I also made my Facebook author page, so you can follow me there if you are on FB.

GoodReads is the social media site I'm most active on. For years I resisted joining GR, because I had a LibraryThing account. But more people are on GR, so I finally took the plunge and re-uploaded all of my books from LibraryThing over to GR (I am a nerd and must document everything.) I've been having a lot of fun following other readers and writers on that site. If you're curious about what I'm reading, I update that regularly.

I want to say a huge THANK YOU to everyone who has been encouraging me, working with me, and supporting me throughout 2022. It was a year full of exciting, wonderful new challenges and learning experiences. I feel I've grown a lot as a person and I'm looking forwards to seeing what 2023 has in store! Wishing everyone a safe, happy, healthy New Year and may all your dreams for 2023 come true!

And now here are my picks for TOP 10 FAVORITE READS OF 2022:

Note: these are books I read for the first time in 2022, they were not necessarily published in 2022. I've linked to each book's GoodReads page, so you can read up about them in detail.

10. CLOWN IN A CORNFIELD by Adam Cesare - YA Horror - 2020

This is a super fun slasher, in which clowns target teens in a small town. I would also like to sneak the sequel, CLOWN IN A CORNFIELD 2 (2022) onto this list. Both books were equally clever and fun, with timely social commentary packed in between the mayhem and kills. Cesare got his start as an indie author and has a huge backlist of horror titles.

9. THE REYES INCIDENT by Briana Morgan - HORROR - 2022

I had an absolute blast reading this indie horror novella about killer mermaids in a half-submerged military bunker. By turns hilarious, with dramatic love confessions, and over-the-top with its liberal use of blood and gore, this is a read for the "B" movie fans.

8. YOUR MIND IS A TERRIBLE THING by Hailey Piper - Science Fiction/Horror - 2022

This is the year I finally started reading Hailey Piper and I found a new favorite author. I loved everything I read by her, including THE WORM AND HIS KINGS (2020) and UNFORTUNATE ELEMENTS OF MY ANATOMY (2021.) MIND took the top spot for me with its out-there premise. It begins with giant brains attacking a spaceship and just gets weirder from there. The novella tackles some heavy themes, such as mental health, while exploring the connections between language and thought in truly fascinating ways. It also features a non-binary protagonist!

7. THE DEAD AND THE DARK by Courtney Gould - YA Horror - 2021

This YA book ticked so many boxes for me: it has ghost hunting (my ultimate guilty pleasure media), it has supernatural goings-on, it has multiple queer characters. I described this on GoodReads and Instagram as "Buzzfeed Unsolved meets Riverdale, but gay."

6. IN AN ABSENT DREAM by Seanan McGuire - Fantasy - 2019

The fourth book in the Wayward Children series (yes, I am behind.) By turns whimsical, enchanting and bittersweet. Like each of the Wayward books, DREAM tells the story of a child who stumbles through a door, into another world. This time the world is the Goblin Market and there are rules which must be followed. Everything has a price.

5. WHITE IS FOR WITCHING by Helen Oyeyemi - Horror - 2009

An eerie, twisty, fabulist bit of gothic fiction, set in a sprawling old house near Dover. The story follows a young woman suffering from pica, who has lost her mother and slowly seems to be coming untethered from reality. Told in dreamlike language, the novel slips between multiple viewpoints, including that of the house itself.

4. A DOWRY OF BLOOD by ST Gibson - Horror - 2021

Lusciously written retelling of Dracula, from the point of view of one of his brides. This is a careful exploration of an abusive relationship told in deeply compelling and dizzyingly beautiful prose. Originally an indie release, this was picked up a mainstream publisher for re-release this year.

3. ROSEMARY'S BABY by Ira Levin - Horror - 1967

Compelling and absorbing, this classic horror tale holds up remarkably well for the modern reader. I read this in March and am still thinking about it! Even if you are already familiar with the story from the film (or just through popular culture) the original novel is still well worth a read.

2. IRON WIDOW by Xiran Jay Zhao - YA Science Fiction - 2021

I am obsessed with this book! Set in an alternate world that parallels ancient China in many ways, but is a sci-fi/futuristic setting in others, this was one of the most original and action-packed stories I read this year. When alien forces invade, the only thing that can stand against them are giant transforming robots. Each robot is piloted by a young man and a young woman, but the woman almost always dies. But do the girls really have to die? And why? Our main character is an eighteen-year-old girl who offers herself up as a pilot, but she really has plans to assassinate her male counterpart. This story also contains a compelling polyamorous romance. I can't wait for Book 2!

1. WILLOW'S RUN by Robert Bockstael - Thriller - 2022

This indie thriller is dark and atmospheric with many genuinely creepy moments. We follow Alcima, a former athlete, on the run from her abusive husband. Her path crosses with Booker, a small town librarian, and the two begin uncovering long-buried local secrets even as they are trying to keep Alcima safe. This novel has characters you will love, and characters you will love to hate (some are truly disturbing!) I felt like I was there, trekking through secret rooms and sub-basements of mysterious old buildings, sifting through files and documents, piecing together the mysteries side-by-side with the main characters. Highly recommended.

Other Media I Loved in 2022:

I also want to give a quick shout-out to a TV show I really enjoyed in 2022. I don't watch a lot of TV and am usually well behind what everybody else is watching. But this year Netflix brought us The Sandman - based on the iconic comic book series by Neil Gaiman (which, yes, I have read - many times over.) I was thrilled beyond words to see it given such a beautiful and faithful adaptation.

This series follows Dream, one of 7 eternal aspects of creation, known as the Endless. His siblings are Death, Desire, Despair, Delirium, Destiny, and Destruction. The series is fantasy/horror with some very dark moments. The show is beautiful and does an amazing job bringing all of the fantastic dream and nightmare imagery to life.

I hope you all had a good 2022, and I hope you all have an even better 2023! Stay safe, enjoy what makes you happy.

All the best,



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